Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sheer Willpower

I'm a bit late on this one but.....
Jason Lezak, goes from here

to here

Then, Michael Phelps, from seventh place at the turn (halfway through a sprint!) claws his way to here

 full of WIN!

Awesome athlete that he is, and handsome enough lad that he is, I think some may argue that Michael's ears are a touch big, his teeth a touch crooked.....and so I feel badly for the Chinese authorities. I mean, did the Chinese govt exploit and incarcerate tens of thousands of its citizens to host an Olympics where the iconic athlete is less than "flawless in image, internal feeling and expression"?

No, they deserve better. So, I altered Michael's image a bit to fit these games.....

And I urge everyone, everywhere, to alter their images thusly. Gentlemen, we can rebuild these pictures. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first flawless athlete. We owe it to China. So get to it.

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Tokatakiya said...

That's awesome, V.

Anonymoustache said...

Thanks Robb.
Also, dude, can you believe it is almost football season again? Freakin A!

Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde said...

I tagged you for a thingy. If you don't like thingies, you can ignore and my feelings won't be hurt.

ScientistMother said...

came from Dr.J&H's thingy. You will now be contributing to my, hmm "research"

Anonymoustache said...

Thanks scientistmother.