Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Still freaking brilliant


I'm paraphrasing somewhat here, as I just heard it and was a bit distracted when he said it.....I'm sure it will be all over youtube by tomorrow AM....

"We cannot be strong overseas unless we are strong here at home....People will be impressed more by the power of our example than by an example of our power"

----Bill freakin Clinton.

Oh, and it's getting better as I type....dude can freakin make a case...

Update: Here's the actual quote from the text of his speech posted on HuffPo...

"Most important, Barack Obama knows that America cannot be strong abroad unless we are strong at home. People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power."


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Drugmonkey said...

Still the best fucking politician I've seen in my lifetime, that Bill. We didn't know how good we had it.

Anonymoustache said...

No question about it, DM.