Thursday, February 26, 2009

Yahoo (Digg?) channels Comrade PhysioProf


So I log into my Yahoo page his morning and just happen to spot this (amongst a bunch of things that I get but rarely read---this was in the 'Popular Stories from Digg' subsection, so the byline may have been Digg's).

I dont know how well the screencap will show up (click on it if you want to see the slightly better version), but the top article in the section is titled 'Man calls 911 after Burger King runs out of lemonade'. That in itself isn't particularly funny or interesting ---crap like that happens every day--- but the byline to the story is pretty funny although it may have infringed on some of Comrade PhysioProf's Intellectual Property. I also guess that the byline serves as a piece of free and unsolicited advice to our favorite bartender Scribbler50.

It goes 'Lemonade is serious fucking business'.

I guess it is, in more ways than one since it beat out stories about Windows7 and jobs coming back to Apple in June.


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Tokatakiya said...

That's the funniest thing I've seen today.

One question: On what planet does 'Man calls 911 after Burger King runs out of lemonade' happen everyday?

Answer: Planet Florida

Anonymous said...

Wow, what happens if a bartender runs out of his favorite scotch... does he open fire???

Anonymoustache said...

The best thing about the story was that apparently the 911 operator spoke to the guy for about 5 minutes. I don't know about the guidelines but if I were the operator my first question would have been "Is anybody in trouble or danger?" and if I got a "no" my next action would be "click".
But as Robb said, Planet Florida. Scary place, at times.

Scrib50, if a bartender runs out on scotch his license needs to be revoked! Assuming you guys have licenses and such. Hmmm, never thought about it---do you need to have a formal permit or license to tend bar? Is this maybe a subject for an upcoming weekend's BTS post?

Anonymous said...

Of course I mentioned running out of scotch just to insert my joke about a guy going postal. My lame joke about a guy going postal! But come to think of it (and this is very rare) there have been times when we've run out of a certain brand, but that's usually because a group has come in and they're all drinking concoctions made of something we don't normally use. In other words, in the interest of keeping down monthly liquor costs we're not going to stock five bottles of something I only touch at best once a month. But fortunately, when you do run out of something, having three bars on the block is a real blessing. You can always borrow. In fact just last week I lent a bottle of dry vermouth to a very upscale restaurant right next door. THAT I found bizarre because vermouth ain't fucking rare, unless they were having a martini chugging contest. Not likely!

And as far as needing a license is concerned, the owner of course needs one but not the bartender. Any untrained, uncouth, unsavory, upward-walking homo sapien can walk behind the stick and commence pouring. Enter The Scribbler!

Anonymoustache said...

I did appreciate the 'postal' humor and was just trying to make a joke of my own regarding BTs running out of scotch mainly because I loves me some scotchy-scotch-scotch. I pretty-much suspected that every bar would run low or out on the Toora-loora-looras every now and then.
Nice to hear about the inter-bar collaboration too.
Finally, too bad, in one respect, about you guys not needing permits--- I can't make a lame joke about the bar exam... haha. Actually I'm gonna go ahead and make it anyway---
What? You mean you don't have to take the bar exam?
There. I feel much better now.

Anonymous said...

Failing the Barr test is another matter entirely.

Anonymous said...

You should feel much better, game... set... match!
(Though I don't know what the Barr test is.)

Anonymous said...


Females usually have one Barr body; males usually have none. Presence of Barr bodies in a buccal smear was introduced by the International Olympic Committee Medical Commission as a sex determination (gender verification) test in 1968.

Anonymoustache said...

I had no idea what the Barr test was either. I thought maybe it had something to do with Bob Barr.
Then again maybe I wasn't totally off on the guess, what with Bob Barr's championing of the Defense of Marriage Act and all....he's probably a big fan of the Barr test.

Anonymous said...

quite interesting article. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did anyone know that some chinese hacker had hacked twitter yesterday again.